
Asthma is characterized by sudden, temporary, obstruction of the airways, causing difficulty in breathing. The obstruction is caused by an allergen which causes the airways to become inflamed, thus narrowing the path in which air flows. Common symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

People with this illness commonly have a family history of asthma, hayfever or eczema and so are sensitive to many allergens. Here are some tips to avoid allergens:
Encase bedding with allergenproof, zippered covers and wash in hot water once a week.
Noncarpeted flooring is best.
Avoid curtains and drapes.
Dust all surfaces with a damp cloth often
Cover air ducts
Pillows and bedding should not contain feathers.
Use a dehumidifier.

Asthma is commonly treated with inhaler therapy and treatment usually allows asthma sufferers to lead full, active lives. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor for more details.