
The conjunctiva is a membrane which lines the eyelid and eye surface. The lining of the eye is usually clear. Pinkeye is redness and swelling of this membrane.
If irritation or infection occurs, the lining becomes red and swollen. Viral conjunctivitis usually runs its course in one to two weeks.

Symptoms of pinkeye include:
Eye redness.
Swollen, red eyelids.
More tearing than usual.
Feeling as if something is in the eye.
An itching or burning feeling.
Mild sensitivity to light.
Drainage from the eye.

Treatment consists primarily of cleansing the eyes and preventing the condition from spreading. Since the cause is not due to a bacterial infection, viral conjunctivitis does not respond to antibiotics. Artificial tears may however help relieve symptoms. Ask your pharmacist for more details on the treatment of pink eye.