
Angina is temporary occlusion of a blood vessel in the heart, leading to a lack of blood supply, and therefore oxygen, to the heart. It often causes severe chest pain on exertion .

There are 3 types of angina;
Stable angina. The pain is predictable and present only during exertion or extreme emotional distress, disappearing with rest.
Unstable angina. This may signal an impending heart attack. Unstable angina is angina pain at unpredicted intervals. The angina may occur more frequently, more easily at rest, feel more severe, last longer, or come on with minimal activity.
Prinzmetal's angina. This is when angina occurs at rest, when sleeping, or when exposed to cold temperatures. The symptoms are caused by decreased blood flow to the heart's muscle.

Risk factors of Angina include
High levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood.
High blood pressure.
Being male.
Lack of regular exercise.

Angina is normally treated with medication. It can, in some cases, be controlled by a healthy diet and light exercise.